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Saab Global


Corruption has negative consequences for society and business and is something Saab will never accept. We are guided by our fundamental values, the Code of Conduct, laws, industry codes of conduct and clearly defined internal processes to prevent corruption risks.

A message from our President and CEO

Saab has a long and successful history of providing cutting edge defence systems and solutions. We are proud of our mission to make societies and people safer. Our vision is that everyone should feel safe.

As a defence company, our business is largely oriented towards states, governments, governmental authorities and their representatives. We recognise that from this follows a responsibility to ensure that our business is always conducted to the highest ethical standards. We apply the same standards in our business-to-business dealings. Corruption has no place in any part of our operations. Everyone who enters into business with Saab should do so knowing that the relationship is built on solid ground.

Micael Johansson

With more than 21 000 employees and sales on all continents, we know that our zero-tolerance of corruption requires us to be thorough. We undertake persistent, systematic, preventive work and foster a culture where every single person in the company is always encouraged to make the right decision. We are committed to support each employee who stands up for our zero tolerance of corruption and refuses to compromise our ethical standards; even where it means to walk away from business.

Our anti-corruption programme is manifested in a robust policy framework supported by risk-based corruption prevention procedures, training initiatives, advice, reporting channels and systematic testing and control. The programme is a corner-stone in our strategy for sustainable growth and profitability and has the full support of our board of directors.

We believe that companies have an important role in the process of fighting corruption. Collective actions can speed up the process and yield greater results. That is why we are taking an active part in the work of IFBEC (International Forum on Business Ethical Conduct) and have signed up to its Global Principles.

I invite you to learn more about Saab’s anti-corruption working practices and our focus on ensuring that our business is carried out to the highest standards.

Micael Johansson
President and CEO, Saab AB



Process for appointment and management of business intermediaries.


Consolidated Code of Conduct.


Introduction of whistleblowing system.


Establishment of group function to manage appointment process for business intermediaries. Formation of Ethics and Compliance Board. 


Corruption risk management instruction. Code of Conduct update.


Appointment of Chief Compliance Officer. Reporting structure to the Audit Committee established. 


Customized anti-bribery e-learning. 


External whistleblowing hotline. Audit programme for business intermediaries. 


Supplier Code of Conduct.


Code of Conduct update.


Externally vetted compensation assessment methodology for business intermediaries. Whistleblowing investigation protocol.


Ethics and compliance portal. Corruption risk management process for industrial partners. 


Annual Code of Conduct certification process for top management. New ABC training strategy.


Update of Business Partner on-boarding process. Launch of group-wide corruption risk assessment.


Introduction of Ethics and Compliance Officers in all Business Areas


Updated our speak up procedures to meet EU whistleblowing legislation


Launched a new Code of Conduct and developed an accompanying e-learning

Policies and statements

31 May 2021

Anti bribery and corruption policy

Saab has zero-tolerance against bribery and corruption and shall ensure that its operations at all times are conducted free from any form of bribery and corruption.

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17 May 2022

Management and Prevention of Bribery and Corruption Risks

Saab adheres to a policy of zero tolerance of bribery and corruption. The purpose of this document is to lay down the rules and procedures to be applied at Saab in order to prevent bribery and corruption in all activities under Saab’s control.

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